Home › Forums › Chinese Forum › 大数据分析 › 在SAS中如何得到下面的结果?
这里的牛人多,再来请教一下。data set 如下:
data test;
input id $1 v1 3 v2 $5-6 v3 8 v4 $10-11;
a 1 x2 .
a . 3
a . . x4
b 1 x2 .
b . 3
b . . x4
run;我想得到如下的data set:
id v1 v2 v3 v4
a 1 x2 3 x4
b 1 x2 3 x4试了几种办法都不行,求教大牛们,谢谢!
Method A:
proc sort data=test;
by ID;
run;data B;
set test;
by ID;
retain Z1-Z4;
if not missing(V1) then Z1=V1;
if not missing(V2) then Z2=V2;
if not missing(V3) then Z3=V3;
if not missing(V4) then Z4=V4;
if last.ID;
drop V1-V4;
rename Z1=V1 Z2=V2 Z3=V3 Z4=V4;
run;Method B:
proc sql;
select ID,
max(V1) as V1,
max(V2) as V2,
max(V3) as V3,
max(V4) as V4from test
group by ID;
quit;Method C:
%let NM=is not missing;
data one(keep=id v1 v2 where=(v1 &NM))
two(keep=v3 where=(v3 &NM))
three(keep=v4 where=(v4 &NM));
set test;
data all;
set one;
set two;
set three;
%let NM=is not missing;
data test2;
merge test(keep=id v1 v2 where=(v1 &NM))
test(keep=v3 where=(v3 &NM))
test(keep=v4 where=(v4 &NM));
run;Method D
%macro test;
proc sql;
create table var_ls as
select distinct name
from dictionary.columns
where libname='WORK' and memname='TEST' and upcase(name) ne 'ID';
data _null_;
set var_ls;
call symput(cats('var',_n_),name);
call symput('cnt',_n_);
proc sql;
create table test2 as
select id
%do i = 1 %to &cnt;
, max(&&var&i) as &&var&i
from test
group by id;
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