Google Trend大数据看美国大选

2020美国大选日只有差不多一个星期了,媒体的调查还是以Biden领先为主。Google trend的大数据分析是不是也这么看呢?

美国大选年,用候选人姓加上当时的年份,是选民们常用在旗帜上的口号。在过去的4次美国大选(2004, 2008, 2012, 2016)中,最后当选的总统候选人,用以上的关键字,在当年的搜索中的google trend曲线,是明显领先对手。

比较有意思的是2016年的大选,尽管媒体普遍预测希拉里大胜,google trend给出的却是不同的答案。

而2020年大选马上就要落下尘埃,如同2016年一样,媒体又一次普遍预测是川普的对手获胜,这次的对手是拜登。而google trend的数据则表明,trump领先的幅度,甚至远超2016。那么这一次,到底是媒体正确,还是google trend的大数据更加诚实呢?我们拭目以待。

2020 trump google trend 大幅领先

2016 Trump 最后当选

2012 Obama最后当选

2008 Obama最后当选

2004 Bush最后当选


  1. It’s quite interesting that the election result this year is contrary to this google trend. If the election vote is indeed not frauded or miscounted.I’m thinking this might indicating a intresting character of Trump’s Vote: that they are more politically devoted or fanaticize to Trump thus they contributing more search even with less population.Trump voter want Trump to win so badly so they constantly checking the news, which resulting more searchs.

    1. It’s a possible interpretation. Very good thinking. We are not sure about the true reason, but it’s obvious that there is a gap between the Google search and voting.

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